Every gift from a friend is a wish for happiness.
Are you looking for a special gift for family or friends? How about an unforgettable Voucher for a tandem paragliding experience in Tyrol? You can order all our offers quickly and easily as a voucher. We will send you the voucher directly by post - you can optionally personalize the voucher by entering the name of the recipient in the appropriate field. The desired flight area can be changed at any time before the start of the paragliding tandem flight, resulting price differences will be compensated on site in this case.

Tandem Paragliding Tirol Gutschein, Vorderseite. Das perfekte Geschenk für jedermann und jedefrau!

Tandem Paragliding Tirol Gutschein Hinterseite, personalisierbar.

Tandem Paragliding Tirol Gutschein, Vorderseite. Das perfekte Geschenk für jedermann und jedefrau!
Tandem paragliding voucher - a great gift for every occasion! (Original size 30 x 10.5 cm)